I’m trying to work out a small problem in my head that maybe you can help me with.
I am looking for the point at which Rush Limbaugh allowed his ego to grow so large that he felt he could eclipse the will of the President and the country at large.
I was apparently asleep at the point which he felt that his opinion would sway policy intended to get OUR country back on track. Is it the 20 million listeners? Is that the drive behind his destructive words? Well, who the hell cares? I don’t see that he was ever elected to public office. I don’t see where he ever helped balance a state budget. I also don’t see where he led anyone anywhere except down the garden path of hatred and bigotry.
He’s never held office. He’s never lead a major company. He’s never even picked up a single piece of litter on the side of the road that I know of. Divorced three times, failed out of college, controversy at every step. And this is the guy that people listen to?
So why the hell is what he says so important? For that matter, why is anyone who’s never brought a damned thing to the table except complaints worth listening to?
Every day in this country, good, honest citizens try to make a difference in the lives of others around them. They go to jobs as firemen, police officers, community leaders, pastors, activists, sanitation workers and a thousand other things. They DO something every day that makes a physical difference to the world around them. It isn’t just hot air being spewed out of both sides of their neck. These people sacrifice daily to make the country work.
To be honest, I wouldn’t want the president’s job. It’s largely thankless and despite the power and authority, it ages people at an accelerated rate. I think that Barack Obama is one hell of a brave man for even wanting to do it. Brave and maybe just a bit insane.
The current climate is one of the worst in 70 years. Certainly the worst in my short lifetime. The house is falling over and he’s out there with his bare hands and brain trying to hold the damned thing up and the only thing idiots like Limbaugh can do is complain? Jeez.
It’s no wonder that the Republican Party is in the shape it’s in. When they have people like Limbaugh as their water boys, the team goes thirsty. He has gained such a reputation that when the RNC members go against what he says; they have to apologize to HIM? WTF?
The following citation is from Wikipedia and CBS News –
"Leader of Republican Party"
On March 1, 2009 CBS's "Face the Nation" asked chief-of-Staff, Rahm Emanuel: Who represented the Republican Party? He answered, it was Limbaugh. "He called for President Obama to fail. That’s his view. And that’s what he has enunciated. And whenever a Republican criticize him, they have to run back and apologize to him, and say they were misunderstood. He is the voice and the intellectual force and energy behind the Republican Party."
On March 2, 2009, Limbaugh responded to Rahm Emanuel:
I'm going further and telling you today it's not that I want Obama to fail; that's not it anymore. The President is presiding over economic failure. The President is watching it, doing nothing about it. He's watching unemployment grow; he's watching the stock market plummet; he is watching people sign up for unemployment. The President of the United States is doing nothing to stop the downward spiral of this economy. He has no economic recovery plan. The truth is, the President of the United States and Rahm Emanuel, who, remember, said, 'Crisis is too great a thing to waste'. What does that mean? They want you suffering, they want you miserable, they want it worse, they want you rejecting conservatism. They want you rejecting capitalism. They want you turning to them in fear and desperation and angst for an immediate fix to the problem. They want you thinking you have no ability to fix your own problems. They think you have and they want you to have no ability to take care of yourself. So as the stock market now approaches minus 2,800 since Obama was elected, the statement today is to speed up the economic recovery, we're going to focus on health care. Ask yourself how that is going to get you your next job."
On March 3, 2009, The Wall Street Journal opined that Mr. Emanuel is more preoccupied with malevolent partisan conflict than beneficial "economic leadership".
In remarks aired by CNN on March 1, 2009, Republican Party Chairman Michael Steele said in jest, that he, rather than Limbaugh, is "the de facto leader of the Republican Party".
On his March 2, 2009 radio show, Limbaugh responded that Steele is not fit to lead the Republican Party.
Steele later telephoned Limbaugh and apologized,
"I have enormous respect for Rush Limbaugh. I was maybe a little bit inarticulate. There was no attempt on my part to diminish his voice or his leadership. I went back at that tape and I realized words that I said weren’t what I was thinking. It was one of those things where I thinking I was saying one thing, and it came out differently. What I was trying to say was a lot of people want to make Rush the scapegoat, the bogeyman, and he’s not." Steele later issued another statement to say that Limbaugh "is a national conservative leader, and in no way do I want to diminish his voice. I truly apologize."
So where was all this yelling and screaming when Bush was in office? Where was this huge sense of right and wrong when billions were being sent to banks so they could buy jet planes? Does anyone else see a problem with all this?
The republicans did their best, the people wanted something else. To Rush and the others I say – Let it fucking go and help build the country back up.
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