Friday, June 11, 2010

It's a big world full of interesting things to do.

Trying to decide on any one path to follow is difficult. I mean, you have your values to guide you and making decisions should always be based on the things you believe, but remember, values do sometimes change. Just because an idea fit yesterday, doesn't mean that it always will.

I think we tend to grow into the people of each individual moment. And then when that moment is over, we grow into the next phase or level of who we are. In my short time I have watched dozens of friends and family change everything about who they are. Things like their attitudes about who they will and won't hang out with. Changes in the foods they eat and how much or how little exercise they get. Sexual orientation and marriage or no marriage. I've seen them jump in and out of relationships and move from one city to another.

Although they always stayed the same physical person, each change brought out something new in their personality and outlook on life. I guess its in the way we are wired. Change inspires a positive outlook. It also brings back the feeling of newness and endless possibility. This makes sense, without the inspiration of newness and discovery all of the great explorers of our time would probably have just been cabbage farmers or something.

Lately I've been wondering how to re-ignite that fire in my belly. The joy of discovery concerning the world. Travelling was one thing that always excited me. I've driven across the US 6 or 7 times over the years. I've seen parts of just about every state in the continental US and Alaska.

I know that the big thing in life is to find a home and put down roots. It's another one of those things that humans are hardwired to do. But, I also remember a phrase uttered by some unknown road warrior - "Not all who wander are lost." And I find myself taking those words to heart.

Putting down roots and staying in one place has its benefits, but what about the wanderer? What about the spirit that isn't bound to any one place or situation?

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